Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'm not sure if anyone is reading this...

I stopped posting on this blog because there really wasn't any response and part of the reason I opened this site up was to get a dialogue going. With that in mind I'm going to start it up again, but this time restrict myself to something more manageable with my daily schedule- one post a week. I will post on Sunday or Monday every week, if I can. If not, there should be no reason why no one else shouldn't add a response or offer to post in my place, in fact I welcome it.

Also, although I make comments about my own beliefs, that in no way should effect your own decisions about religion or philosophy. The great thing about being human is that we're able to solve problems and that we also are aware of time. Time passes and our minds change, that's the fundamental thing we need to remember. What I say today wont necessarily be what I believe in a week or a decade from now.

If you haven't read my previous posts, feel free to do so and also feel free to comment on them. If you'd like to add your own post to this blog, feel free to contact me, I'd be happy to add it as long as it follows the spirit of this blog, i.e. a broad discussion about religion and philosophy and not a place to spread ones own religion.

Friday, February 9, 2007

What is Normal?

I'm sorry about not posting in awhile, I'm really not even sure if anyone is reading this. What I wanted to talk about in this post is the concept of being normal. I've never really been sure what normal means. I think it's really just a set of standards that society has set up to dictate who is doing what society believes is good and who isn't. This kind of thinking disturbs me in a way.

I do realize that if society didn't set certain standards for people, then there would be complete chaos. I guess where I differ on the concept of what is normal, is when it prevents people from expressing their ideas or beliefs, at least those ideas of beliefs that don't harm themselves or others. In my life I adhere to the laws of the land, because if I don't I'll most likely end up in jail. I don't agree with some of the laws the land places on me, but I follow them because I choose to live in this land.

It's wrong to expect others to change their ideas to suit my way of life. I really must adapt my way of life to suit their ideas. That means that even though I might not agree with the enforced norms of society, there is still an obligation on my part to do what I must to obey those norms, if I choose to live here. However, that doesn't mean that I can't live my life on my own terms. Perhaps I've read Walden too many times, but I certainly agree with some of the concepts of passive resistance. If I disagree with a law and feel that it's wrong, then by no means should I obey that law if it causes me to harm others or myself. This is where being normal becomes an unpleasant part of my life.

There are certain things we are supposed to aspire to, for instance many people think having a car, a home, a spouse, and 2.5 kids is supposed to be the norm. In this example, there's no reason I need to aspire to this, because there is no harm caused to others or myself if I don't have these things. However if I choose to have these things and find that I'm not happy because it's become a daily grind, then I've put myself in a situation where I've allowed society's expectations to dictate my own behavior.

That doesn't mean once I have the car, the home, the spouse, and the kids that I have a right to up and leave, rather I need to accept that I've made some decisions that ended up making me unhappy and come up with some kind of solution that might bring me happiness, a solution that doesn't harm those people whom I'm responsible for.

I've always tried to look at the end result of an action, rather than allow morals or concepts of sin to direct my life. In the same way I look at what society dictates as being normal and make a decision whether or not I want to follow those expectations. If I look at what's expected of me and find that it will harm me or others, then I'm not going to do those things.

Perhaps the most important thing I can do is examine what's expected of me and decide for myself whether or not it's what I should be doing. That includes what's expected of me as a man, brother, father, friend, and son. I need to learn to examine the actions, rather than the expectations. I need to quit focusing on what everyone wants me to be and rather what I should be.

I don't know if this makes sense, but if you have some input, I'd love to hear it.

Monday, February 5, 2007

My Beliefs

I was asked by someone what standards I hold when I make decisions based on my spirituality if I don't believe in God. I guess that's a fair question. I really didn't want to offend anyone, because I honestly think anyone living a spiritual life that is loving, compassionate, and tolerant is doing what they should do, but still I have decided to post a little bit more about my own personal beliefs about a higher power and the standards I try to live by. I don't consider these things to be religious beliefs, but rather my spiritual beliefs.

I believe that there is a guiding force that dictates the course and laws of nature. It exists within everything. It can not be identified or completely understood. It is the cohesive force that draws together the spirit and physical. Its purpose it to bind all things together so that life can continue to exist. This force existed before our universe was created and will exist after it is gone.

I have faith that our spirit lives on. For so long as we need to, we return to this world to learn a lesson, once we have learned this lesson we will cease to return to this existence and pass on to another place. I believe that Love, Compassion, and Tolerance are the cornerstones of a good life. That if we commit ourselves to being loving, compassionate, and tolerant, then we can prepare ourselves to learn the lesson we need in order to transcend from this world. Until we learn this lesson we will continue to return to this world.

I also believe that morality is a concept of man. That there are certain laws that exists that man must live by and that these laws should be determined by cause and effect. If the effect of your actions harm you or another then you should not commit those acts.

I believe that one should examine his actions free of bias. That the standards of society or religious theology should be excluded, because they are not based on the laws of the guiding force that created us (our Creator).

I believe that without ugliness there can be no beauty. That without suffering we can not understand the value of joy. It is this duality that allows us to perceive the universe the way it is intended. I also believe that everything happens for a reason. When we are suffering we must first look at our own actions and not the actions of another, because in most cases we have brought suffering upon ourselves.

I believe that each person should concern themselves with their own actions and allow others to act as they please, unless another person's actions are causing them to suffer, then we should show them compassion and aid them as best we can. To decrease one's suffering is not necessarily being compassionate if that person needs to suffer in order to change the behavior that causes them to suffer. If someone is harming another or you, then you can take the necessary actions to stop them, keeping in mind compassion.

I believe that we are not here to teach others, but rather to learn ourselves. Instruct others only by your experience- do not offer advice on things that you have not experienced. Be humble and loving, do not lord your position over others. Remember that it is better to teach someone to do something, than to have to do something for them. This way they can do what they need to, without the aid of others. Offer as much assistance as you must, but be cautious that they do not become dependant on you.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying life, but we should not allow pleasure in physical things to dictate our emotional state. In all things remember moderation. Learn to discern between those things you need and those things you want. Be happy with what you have and you will know true happiness.

The hardest thing to do is to question your parent's religion, for when one does this, it is as if they are giving up their parents. Mother is the name for God on the lips of every child. Do not let yourself be held back from the truth because of sentiment, but rather move forward and decide for yourself what the truth is.

I believe that the Creator exists within all men, if we are open for guidance, then we will be set on the right path. Once we are set upon this path it is up to each of us to take the action necessary to learn the lesson that will allow us to transcend to a better place.

I believe that each person has a right to worship as they see fit, that no one should interfere in the way they worship. If someone is offended by what you speak, then don't speak with them. The lesson is for all people, but not everyone is ready to learn.

I believe that everyone has their own place in the universe and each should decide that place for themselves. However if you decide to do something that is not accepted by your fellows, do not blame them if they are upset with you, but rather ask for guidance and once you have received it, do what you know is right.

And that's it in a nutshell. I hope it didn't offend anyone, that's not my intent. I still believe that whether you believe as I do or whether you follow a different religion, that basing your life on spiritual principles will help you to find a more fulfilled life.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Love, Compassion, and Tolerance

I'm sorry for not posting a little something last night, but I got in late and I was very tired. I didn't go out tonight, so I'm pretty wide awake and I thought I'd share a little bit about a conversation I had last night about tolerance. I wont go into all the details, because that's not what I wanted to share today, rather it reaffirmed my belief that love, compassion, and tolerance are the cornerstones of a spiritual life.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because I probably wasn't as tolerant of one of the people I was talking to as I should've been, and the reason was because I didn't believe he was being tolerant.

I really dislike racism and bigotry. Perhaps it's because my family is very ethnically diverse, so if someone tells a racist joke there's a good chance he's offending one of my ancestors. Anyways, during my conversation with this person he said some things that I felt were racist. It sparked a little flame inside of me and I got upset.

The problem is that I lost my love and compassion for this person. I made a decision that he didn't deserve to be shown love or compassion, when he did. I need to apologize to this person for my actions and I will, however I also understand that it's alright for me to still dislike racism and bigotry.

I guess what I learned was that it's not always easy to be tolerant. I'm going to get upset, whether it's because someone pulled out in front of me while I was driving, or someone said something to offend me. In the end it's how I act that's important. I can decide whether to walk away or fight. In most cases walking away is the best solution, because it will prevent me from hurting others or getting hurt myself. It sounds like a simple solution, but that means I must be willing to walk away.

That doesn't mean that I can't stick up for myself or my beliefs, the thing I have to remember is that I need to be loving and compassionate when I do so. If my discussion is turning into an argument, then it's time to end the discussion.

Something else I need to do is a little bit of soul searching, so I can find the other areas of my life where I'm intolerant. And I guess that's where I'm going to leave off. I just wanted to say I'm enjoying this blog so far. It's helping me alot and giving me some time to reflect. If you have any comments, please feel free to leave them.

Until next time, take care of yourselves.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

No More Fear

My life is not going the way I'd like it to. My car is about to be repossessed and I'm struggling to earn money for my rent and my bills. I've finally found a job, but I wont start until February 26th. There is a great deal of stress that I have to deal with, but I 'm not afraid.

I have faith that there is something greater than me out there and that if I only do the next right thing, then things will work out the way they're intended, if not the way I'd like them to. For instance, if I lose my car, I still have a bike I can ride. If I lose my apartment, I've experienced enough of poverty to know where to go to find a place to stay. I can get back to the place I was, it will take work, but to be afraid and allow that fear to rule my life will not help anything.

I honestly want to do what is right, I'm not always successful, but I try my best. I believe that there is a meaning to this life, a lesson I'm supposed to learn, and that's what keeps me going. I've learned something from this experience, the fact that I've placed too much of my serenity and contentment on financial security. I've become dependant on creature comforts, allowing them to provide me with peace, rather than a power greater than myself.

I'm not saying that I intend to give up all my belongings and live as a hermit, I don't think that's what my Creator wants, but I do feel that this experience is something I can choose to learn from. Will I learn from it? We'll see.

I started this blog, because I wanted to write a book about the benefits of a spiritual lifestyle. I realized at one point that maybe I'm not the best person to offer advice on this topic. I'm far from perfect and really the only thing I have to offer other people is my own experience, so that's what this blog will be, my own experience.

I don't want people to think this is an attempt to convert people to some specific religion, honestly I don't care what religion someone follows. This blog is instead going to be my chance to share with others how living a spiritual life has helped me. I want this blog to be real and honest.

With that in mind, I'm going to use this as a sort of daily journal. I'll write about the things that are going on in my life or what I've been thinking about that day. I hope you'll enjoy it and that if nothing else, it will give you something to think about.

That's it 'til tomorrow. Sleep well.